Spotlight: Adha Zelma Possess Your STYLE w/Kalyn Johnson

Fashion Stylist and Lifestyle Blogger, Kalyn Johnson shines the spotlight on audacious jewelry designers Sheanan Bond and Cherise TrahanMiller.

One word to describe Adha Zelma?

Sheanan: Uncommon
Cherise: Adornment

What was the original vision and goal for Adha Zelma?

Sheanan: To create a beautifully crafted, globally inspired jewelry line.

Cherise: When we began looking at the market and the best positioning strategy, we felt like there was a lot of high-end jewelry for thousands of dollars and a lot of inexpensive Fashion jewelry.  What, to us, was missing was artisan-made, edgy works that would sit in between.  We saw this as a huge opportunity.  It is important to us to create jewelry that we want to wear. Women from the very beginning were really responding to our work and we felt there were others who would be attracted to great craftsmanship and collector pieces that have less to do with trends and categories, but work that truly defines a unique personal expression.

How is Adha Zelma different from other jewelry companies?

Sheanan: The designs are centered on bringing elements of traditionalism into the modern world while allowing spirit to flow organically through the designs. We enjoy working with exotic materials like tusks, python ribs and stingray.

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Nolcha Fashion Week!

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A Mid-Summer’s Night Rio

“This Morning I woke up and refused to comb my hair!”

When I first heard this line from the published poet, lyricist, performer, love maker and Adha Zelma “IT” goddess Faybiene Miranda, I knew we would be friends for a very long time. I soon found out Faybiene is a legendary name in Reggae. Her first recording, ‘Prophecy’ in the 1970’s is regarded as one of the biggest classics from the period.

This diva is one of the most stylish artists in any scene. She rocks an earthy, world-culture sophistication and was the perfect model choice for our Mid-Summer’s Night Rio shoot.
It was important to Sheanan and myself to make sure the model we selected was truly a woman who could embody a spirit with NO regrets, loves her power and wants all eyes on her. Faybiene was perfect! Our muse for the Rio collection was “Titania,” queen of the fairies from Shakespeare’s A Mid-Summer’s Night Dream. We wanted to approach the shoot with a blend of theater (my background) & fashion (Sheanan’s).
Our good friend Sean from In Focus photography was down to join us in our creative voyage.
So off we went renegade style…
Adha Zelma Abalone Necklace: Rio Collection
Abalone Necklace: Multi-strand sterling silver Czech beads accented w/ crystals, carnelian and feathers.
Adha Zelma Waterfall (l) & Blue Eagle 69 (r) Earrings: Rio Collection
Left: Waterfall earrings w/ Capiz – Sterling Czech beads accented w/crystal, Perdoit and azure-dyed Capiz shells.
Right: Blue Eagle 69 earrings – Sterling Czech beads accented w/Swarovski crystal, Aquamarine, Abalone shells and blue tipped feathers.
Adha Zelma Jadi Ladi Necklace
Jadie Ladi: A beautiful and elegant necklace fashioned of 24K gold-plated Czech beads delicately adorned with aquamarine, perdoit, jade disk and vermeil open ovals.
To adornment!

L.A.M.B. Spring Summer 2011 – Rock ‘n roll glam meets safari resort

This has to be one of our favorite shows from Spring/Summer 2011!

Rock & roll meets safari. Love!!!! Bold Designs, Tribal print rompers, harem pants, batik prints, shorts suits and both kaftan and baby style dresses! L.A.M.B.’s 2011 is the perfect for rockin the “5” collection from Adha Zelma!  See you in Spring!

LAMB - SS 2011